Harrington Creek is a tributary to Rock Creek in the North Umpqua River Corridor located 25 miles east of Roseburg. The Rock Creek watershed is a major contributor to Oregon Coast coho, spring Chinook, summer and winter steelhead, and Pacific lamprey production. However, anadromous fish production is limited by inadequate summer and winter instream fish habitat needed to support thriving native fish runs, hatchery influences on native fish genetics, and fish passage barriers for migrating fish. During the summer of 2015 PUR, ODFW, and BLM will place 162 logs and 1,092 boulders on RRCo. lands with an excavator and 84 logs and 520 boulders on BLM lands. We will pull an additional 18 trees over top of these materials. Work will occur throughout 1.2 miles of Harrington Creek. The result of this work will reconnect a network of side channels in Harrington Creek, which has been shown to significantly increase winter survival of juvenile coho.