Completed Projects > 2014 Projects > Brush Creek Restoration Map
he Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers (PUR), ODFW, and Roseburg District BLM have worked cooperatively to form the Brush Creek Restoration Plan and implement a large scale project with in-stream restoration work occuring over three summers to restore more than 12 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for coho, steelhead, cutthroat trout, and Pacific lamprey. Brush Creek is a tributatry to Elk Creek and is located approximately six miles east of Elkton in the Elk Creek fifth-field watershed. Brush Creek has a history of splash damming, channel straightening, road building, and stream cleaning practices that have negatively affected aquatic habitat throughout the entire watershed. PUR, Roseburg District BLM, and Lone Rock Timber Co. worked together to plan the extensive restoration of fish habitat in the watershed. During the summers of 2012 and 2013, we placed 784 logs and 600 boulders at 121 sites across 9.5 miles of mainstem Brush Creek and three tributaries. In 2014, we plan to place 143 logs and 2,790 boulders at 40 sites across the lower 2.5 miles of mainstem Brush Creek. Structures will be a combination of whole tree placement, log placement, and boulder placement projects.