Completed Projects > 2011 Projects > Thompson & Muns Creek Map
Instream restoration across two miles of Thompson Creek and one mile of Muns Creek in the Olalla-Lookingglasswatershed is historic because of the heavy resistance to restoration that once existed in this area. With the successof several OWEB and RAC funded fish passage projects, including two small BLM-funded log placement projects,interest began to grow to extend this work across the watershed. PUR, ODFW and BLM biologists have surveyedthese streams and come to several conclusions as to why juvenile fish have poor survival there. Munns Creek hassuitable gravel for spawning but lacks summer rearing and overwintering habitat for juvenile coho salmon andsteelhead trout. Thompson Creek has been eroded to bedrock and lacks gravel for spawning habitat as well asrearing habitat for salmonids. Fish survival will be increased by adding logs and boulders to the stream to diversifythe habitat. Instream restoration will increase the summer pool habitat for rearing juvenile fish and will increase thearea for fish to find refuge from high winter flows and predation. Photo point monitoring will be established totrack changes in the stream bed and structures over time. OWEB funds will be used for project management, travel,contracted services, materials, and fiscal administration.