Completed Projects > 2011 Projects > Upper Smith River Map
The Upper Smith River is located in Douglas County, approximately 30 miles northeast of Reedsport and 26 miles southwest of Eugene. Historically this river system had abundant anadromous fish runs but currently a lack of large woody debris (LWD) and boulders are limiting salmonid populations. In addition, natural recovery to proper functioning condition is not likely to occur in the foreseeable future because of the road network, loss of floodplain connectivity, lack of instream structure, and significantly reduced sources of large wood recruitment potential.
The objective is to complete eight miles of instream log and boulder placement across private and federally-managed property. The primary watershed functions being addressed are based on site-specific limiting factors. In bedrock-dominated reaches, an abundance of stable instream structures is needed to store and stabilize stream substrate that otherwise is being flushed from the system. In the smaller tributaries that do contain gravel substrate, structure placements are needed to maintain stable spawning riffles, scour pools, reduce stream velocities, and provide cover habitat for juvenile salmonids. Other benefits include: raising the water table which reduces stream temperature, retention of suitable substrate, and narrowing/deepening of stream channels. These stream enhancements will not only benefit the targeted salmonid species but will also provide excellent habitat for a variety of amphibians, insects, small mammals and birds.